Specification - Viracon - Single Source Architectural Glass
Resources - Design & Education


Viracon Recommended Architectural Glass Specification

The specification document to the right under "Resources" is written according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) 3-Part Format. The specification can be customized for your project by including details for the products you are specifying in Article 2.6 Product Schedule. The blue text below is intended to be altered to identify the specific product you selected.

Please see the example below:

Step 1. Select a product:  For Example – VRE1-46 Insulating Glass.

Step 2. Find the product type in Article 2.6 Product Schedule.

Step 3. Insert VRE1-46 into your specification including all of the details needed to manufacture the glass unit as well as the solar performance requirements.

Note: The information in the Architectural Glass Specification is offered to assist in specifying Viracon’s Fabricated Glass Products. Viracon does not assume any responsibility for the adequacy of this specification for a particular application. The design professional must confirm applicable code and design.

Specification Download

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