Sizes - Viracon - Single Source Architectural Glass


Viracon now offers BIG Glass in multiple configurations along with a wide selection of components and enhancements. This flexibility will allow your design aesthetic to be realized while still meeting or exceeding the performance requirements that your project demands.

Sizes to meet your project's needs are available up to 130" (3302mm) base maximum, up to 236" (5994mm) height maximum and up to 213 square feet (19.76m2).

Viracon's BIG Glass offering meets or exceeds all applicable ASTM standards with the quality that you've come to expect from Viracon.

big glass New Products by Viracon

As glass gets larger understanding sightlines, wind loads, glass strength and deflection becomes more critical. Viracon can help you with the calculations of these important values to ensure a safe and successful project. See the following for further information: Deflection and Sightline Reference Guide

BIG Glass creates additional factors that should be considered. Since oversized units may be larger, heavier and thicker than standard units, care must be taken during shipping, storing and installation of oversized units. The proper jobsite equipment and glazing system components are critical to a safe and successful project utilizing oversized units.


Sizes Up to 130" (3302mm) wide
Up to 236" (5994mm) tall
Configurations Insulating
Triple Insulating
Insulating Laminated
Laminated Insulating
Double Laminated Insulating
Coatings VE-85, VE-2M, VNE-53, VNE-63
VNG-4022, VRE-3117, VRE-4322, VRE-46,
VRE-4725, VRE-54, VRE-59, VUE-40
Enhanced VRE
Laminated Coatings: VLE-47, VLE-51, VLE-57
Substrate Thickness 1/4" (6mm), 5/16" (8mm), 3/8" (10mm) and 1/2" (12mm)
Heat Treatment Heat Strengthened (HS), Fully Tempered (FT) and Heat Soak
Spacers Viracon Thermal Spacer (VTS™) up to 23/32" (18mm) thick
Insulating Unit Fill Air and Argon
Interlayers .060" (1.52mm) and .090" (2.28mm) clear PVB
.100" (2.54mm) SentryGlas® Xtra™ 84" wide and 80 sq ft maximum.
Standard Print Up to 84" (2134mm) wide
Up to 165" (41914mm) tall
Maximum unit size of 70 sq. Ft. (6.5m²)
DigitalDistinctions™ Up to 130" (3302mm) wide
Up to 236" (5994mm) tall
Edgework Flat Polish, Flat Ground, Seamed
Warranty Standard Ten-Year Warranty



  • >50 square foot units must be heat treated.

Components & Enhancements:

  • Units with base dimensions >96” will have rollerwave distortion perpendicular to base.
  • Ceramic frit silk-screen or spandrel units cannot exceed 84” wide x 165" high.
Monolithic Glass Size
Monolithic Glass Size MAX



  • >50 square foot units must be heat treated.

Components & Enhancements:

  • Units with base dimensions >96” will have rollerwave distortion perpendicular to base.
  • Ceramic frit silk-screen or spandrel units cannot exceed 84” wide x 165" high.
  • VE-45 coating cannot exceed an 84" width.
  • RoomSide® Low-E coating cannot exceed 99" wide x 165" high and cannot exceed 100 square feet surface area.
  • Stainless steel spacer cannot exceed 96" wide x 165" high.

– Units with stainless steel cannot exceed 70 square feet.

  • Aluminum spacer cannot exceed 120" wide x 204" high.

– Units with aluminum cannot exceed 120 square feet.

  • VTS™ spacer cannot exceed 129 13/16" wide x 236" high.

– Units with VTS™ cannot exceed 212.75 square feet.

  • Offset insulating units with more than one long edge offset and staggered insulating units cannot exceed 140" high and cannot exceed 40 square feet.
IG size chart by Viracon
IG size max by Viracon



  • >50 square foot units must be heat treated.
  • Specialty laminates for hurricane applications have the following limitations:
    •  Saflex® Storm cannot exceed a 60" width or 144" height.
    • StormGuard® cannot exceed a 72" width or 144" height.
    • SentryGlas® cannot exceed a 72" width or 144" height.
    • Level E - StormGuard® cannot exceed a 72" width or 120" height.
    • Level E - SentryGlas® cannot exceed a 72" width or 120" height.

Components & Enhancements:

  • Units with base dimensions >96” will have rollerwave distortion perpendicular to base.
  • Ceramic frit silk-screen or spandrel units cannot exceed 84” wide x 165" high.
  • VE-45 coating cannot exceed an 84" width.
  • RoomSide® Low-E coating cannot exceed 99" wide x 165" high and cannot exceed 100 square feet surface area.
  • CyberShield™ units must be reviewed and approved by Viracon prior to receiving a quote:
    • – Requires a minimum 24" width.
    • – Cannot exceed 60" wide x 144" high or 72" wide x 120" high.
    • – CyberShield units cannot exceed 60 square feet.
Monolithic Glass Size
laminated size max by Viracon


  • There must be a minimum of a 24" diagonal on all sizes.
  • One dimension can be less than 17", down to 12", as long as the other dimension is at least 21" (i.e., 12" x 21").
  • Right Triangles = 24" x 12" Block.
  • With triangles, one leg must always be at least 24" and the other leg cannot be less than 12".
  • Triangles should not exceed a 5:1 ratio.
  • Triangle Point Tolerance: Width measurement across must be at least 3/8". When designed with a 3/8" or less width across the point, the point may be broken off during manufacturing. This is considered within the tolerances up to the 3/8" width.
triangles - Viracon sample sizes